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March 01, 2004



hi. i'd have to disagree with your opinion that homosexuality is a sin and it's coming from someone who's done a lot of praying about it too. but i understand that this is your own opinion you've come to after your own soul searching.

what you said earlier about it's not the love that is a sin it's the act of expressing that love. quite frankly, it's easy for someone who's straight to come to that conclusion because they are not gay, or full homosexual. if you grew up you whole life with one attraction, and the thought of being with the opposite sex never attracted you or that the opposite sex never attracted you, wouldn't you grow up doing what was natural to you? homosexuality and heterosexuality are in separate categories all together from "addictions" and the like. when straight people talk about gay being a sin you're talking about the act of it. In fact sex is the last part of realizing you're gay. it's the fact that in any relationship where you love someone you start thinking of "we" instead of me. you want to support that person and be there and nurture them and be their friend. you want to make a family with that person. and this happens instinctually. when you realize you're gay at a young age, especially when you grow up in a religious family, it's like "oh crap" my family will hate me something that's not my fault, and the word gay doesn't even come into the picture b/c at that moment you have no words for what you're feeling. People say if people are born gay let's prove it with science. why don't we also do that for the "heterosexual gene?" what's the difference? people also like to say being gay is a choice. well to that would mean being straight is a choice and some ppl say yes it is. well at what point did you decide to be straight. People always get it mixed up: what makes you homosexual is the attraction. And it's funny, b/c some straight people think that being attracted to the opposite sex is inherent and that all people are able to understand that. I think homosexuals and heterosexuals are lost in translation: i told my mother, what you made you marry daddy, i don't understand. I don't understand why you picked him (of course he's a wonderful husband and provider) but i mean i don't understand how men and woman are attracted to eachother at all. it baffels me. And so my mother said the same thing about my same-sex relationship. She doesn't understand it, but she loves me any way and wants to be at my wedding. So if we are all lost in translation between heterosexual and homosexual why not agree to disagree. what ever way love manifests itself is fine by me. i think that's the way the human brain and mind has evolved.

Thanks for listening.

ben 10 oyunları

that would mean being straight is a choice and some ppl say yes it is. well at what point did you decide to be straight. People always get it mixed up: what makes you homosexual is the attraction. And it's funny, b/c some straight people think that being attracted to the opposite sex is inherent and that all people are able to understand that. I think homosexuals and heterosexuals are lost in translation: i told my mother, what you made you marry daddy, i don't understand

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