All over the radio news this morning, we've got sound bites from the "March for Women's Lives" (what a crock) - especially a hoarse Ashley Judd screaming "Get your laws off my body", and this one from another Hollywood activist:
"This is still America. This is not a fundamentalist country. The separation of church and state must be maintained," actor Whoopi Goldberg told the crowd. "We need to stop the attacks on women's reproductive rights in the name of religion, not only here but all over the world."
I just have to say, Whoopi, that for some of us, it's not about imposing our religion on you. It's about making sense. It's about taking personal responsibility. It's about making sure that human life retains its value whether or not your mother wanted you to live.
You have the right to reproduce or not reproduce as you see fit (although I shudder at the thought of it). You have many means of birth control at your disposal. Most thinking Americans aren't out there campaigning to make condoms and birth control pills illegal. You also have the choice not to have sex. Just because you don't like that option doesn't mean it's not out there - women who don't want to have children right now and choose to have sex anyway have a responsibility to know their fertility cycles and use birth control, because not doing so and then murdering your unborn child is not a valid form of birth control.
Now, I know there are many who are uncomfortable with making this blanket statement - after all, there are cases when women are forced to have sex against their will and wind up pregnant. There are also cases when the woman's life is at stake (and not her quality of life, she actually has a strong possibility of dying if she carries the child to term). These are very individual cases, and in these cases it's a very personal decision. As I said in a previous post, it comes down to faith, and we can't legislate faith. That would be trying to impose religion on people, Whoopi. So I guess you can count me among those who are willing to make some exceptions on banning abortion - the standard "rape, incest, and where the mother's life is at stake" clause.
I just have a very hard time with the fact that, at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the difference between doctors expending hours upon hours of effort and thousands of dollars in an attempt to save an unborn life, and crushing its skull, is whether or not its mother decides she wants it to live. The difference between being prosecuted for murder and being hailed by the liberal left as a supporter of "women's reproductive rights" is whether or not the woman whose fetus you killed was was in the mood to be a mom. That does not bode well for the future of our society.
And although it really doesn't have a lot to do with religion, it has got to break God's heart.
Posted by: Jared | April 27, 2004 at 09:35 AM
100% right. Couldn't have said it better myself. Great job.
Posted by: Carstairs | May 03, 2004 at 09:34 AM
It may not be ALL about religion, but you can bet Bush wants to outlaw abortion to get the support of the religious fanatics and possibly for his own religious reasons.
Posted by: Putney | January 10, 2005 at 05:55 PM
the Carnival of the Bush Bloggers: May 3, 2004 Edition
Posted by: ben 10 oyunları | May 27, 2010 at 08:47 AM
Though many speak of the religious aspect everyone tippy toes around the murder aspect. Place any one of you supportives of murder in a room during an abortion which is a blatant act of murder and see how fast your pucking body causes your ignorant opinion to change.
The only thing I would change on the list of reasons to support an act of murder is rape. I was raped; violently and brutally for the most frightening 31 minutes of my life. Though it would be so heart wrenching to carry a product of his sperm it would be ludicrous to commit an addition to the crime with my own act of murder. This new life still can provide great joy to the many who can't have their own baby. A second act of violence is still murder no matter how you try to excuse it. The other excuses are a decision to be made with remembrance that your act will murder this child. I would say it would have to be a very alarming and critical reason to stand before the judge of all eternity and go with an abortion.
Posted by: Rheta O'Neal | July 12, 2010 at 12:24 AM