OK, I'll make this short. I don't feel too great today to begin with, and am beginning to worry that I have another kidney infection... I'm trying to concentrate on getting work done, as I mentioned in my one post yesterday... and y'all are already aware of how much I dislike my job, so the more of it I do, the less great I feel. We've got a lot of people hanging around today so it's pretty hectic, but I do enjoy the company of those extra folks who are visiting, so it's not all bad.
One of the few pleasures I take in this job is the cameraderie with my coworkers. Some of them I've even given the URL to this blog, should they choose to read it. Most of us have been through a lot of hell together with this project (and with former BossFromHell), and while they compliment me with regularity, today... they all went out to lunch together without me. They talked about it in front of my desk, without once addressing me to ask me if I wanted to join them. Only one of them directed any sort of question or comment to me at all, and that was to ask me to clarify the nature of the restaurant they were planning to visit.
I hate to assume or to presume anything, so I didn't invite myself to go along. As far as I can tell, it never even occurred to any of them that they didn't invite me. I am trying really hard not to be bitchy about it. I don't want to say anything to any of them just in case there was a reason why they didn't ask me - maybe someone didn't want me to go, I don't know... I did enjoy the lunch I had, which was fine. I did enjoy the time to blog, which is rare these past few days. That also was fine.
But way to make me feel like a valued member of the team, guys. I appreciate it. (/sarcasm)
Any more clarification on what happened? I would have felt pretty hurt also. That's just plain rude.
Posted by: Marla | May 13, 2004 at 01:51 PM
I did get an apology this morning from CoWorkerA, the only female in the group... she said the guys either just didn't think about it, didn't think it was a big deal, or assumed I would invite myself if I wanted to go. She, being female, understood that it was a matter of courtesy to ask me. And one of our out-of-town consultants who was part of that group is back in town today, and he's planning to take me out to lunch to make up for it. :)
Posted by: songstress7 | May 14, 2004 at 12:05 PM