OK, I know I haven't posted my weekly weigh-in results for the last couple of weeks. I know at least one of you has asked me about it, too. There is a reason for this - mostly, that I did something kinda dumb.
You see, remember the problems I was having with my digital scale? I went out and bought myself a mechanical one to replace it because I got absolutely sick of the stupidity. I did not, however, keep the digital one for comparison over the next few days or week or whatever. I threw it away without really comparing them at all.
So my weigh-in from 2 weeks ago jumped from 186 pounds to 194 pounds. I am absolutely positive I didn't gain 8 pounds in one week - but I don't know if I would have showed a slight gain or a slight loss or no change if I'd kept the old scale...
Last week I weighed in at 192 pounds or so (I really can't see the little lines all that well from 5-1/2 feet up)...
Yesterday, the scale told me just a hair over 190. So I'm still making progress... I just can't track accurately how much I've lost since my starting weight, because now I don't have a clue what it really was. If the 8 pound difference between 3 weeks ago and 2 weeks ago is the difference between the two scales, though, I have lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 41 pounds since mid-March.
New readers, click on the "Weighty Matters" category for more on how I've done this, with God's help!