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Beyond the Stereo: Stuck in My Head

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August 22, 2005



Like you, I tend to waste my time in cycles. Surprisingly, I also enjoy many of the same things. I get on reading kicks where I'll rip through several novels in a row-then nothing for the next few weeks. I find myself blogging in spurts--and I even flirted with BlogExplosion (which I found about here) and all those other crazy 'counters' for a while. I also play online video games to death--and then never touch them for months at a time. The only thing time waster I do consistently is watch sports--once one season is over, the next sport season begins!

John M

Absolutely! You bet! Unh-hunh!

Right now it's walking. Two hours every night after dinner enjoying the neighborhood.

Programming computers
Racing games on the PC
Six Feet Under
Chuck Pahlaniuk novels
Rubik's cubes
Researching (this is my cool name for collecting stuff on some subject on the internet)

I thought I was the only one! I didn't really notice the pattern until I got into my late thirties and looked back at how I'd stayed amused most of my life. Like you, there are things I love that go dormant for a while and come right back fresh and rewarding again and again.

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