Well hello there, friends, family, and random strangers who leave tangentially related spam comments on random old blog posts! 'Tis me again, your humble procrastinator.
So... those of you who are Facebook friends have a decent idea of how life's going for me lately. Working 4 ten hour days, spending at least two days of my three day weekends trying to recuperate from the daily hell that is customer service... Reading voraciously as usual, and having little mental energy to write anything myself. This is why I'm such a delinquent blogger - my job may actually provide me with fascinating stories to tell, but it normally sucks the energy out of me to tell them.
In any event, this is not a "oh hey, how about this jerk I talked to the other day" post. This is an announcement that will hopefully help to keep me accountable to a plan I recently made, thanks to the encouragement of a new friend, acquired across the world through the random connections one makes through social media. Yes Dr. Dave, this means you!
As posted oh... about ten months ago (how does time fly this fast? seriously!)... I've got the germ of an interesting story brewing in my head, and actually made a decent start on writing it. And now I have a commitment to working on it, at least enough to make some progress by the end of August (August? Wasn't it just March like, yesterday?). Watch this space for public humiliation, or updates of various writerly sorts... I'm trying to force myself to write something, anything, regularly, and will post when I can just to keep the words flowing.
And to prime the creative pump a bit, I have started retyping some of my old poetry collection, that was previously posted on my Geocities website. (Yes. Geocities. Old school.... or just old. Whatever.) You can find the title page here, and links from there to what I've gotten done. I've chosen a few of my favorites to start with, some random examples from different time frames, and one special request from my mom. More to come in the future from that collection (check back every so often, I probalby won't post new links every time I add to it)... I'll also be putting up a second collection of my newer ramblings and whatnot, including lyrics to several songs that I'm actually rather proud of (but still need to make decent recordings of), and quite a few poems that already appear on the blog in my Creative Offerings category archive.
My plan is to spend a chunk of either Monday or Tuesday every week on creative writing activities, and posting updates that are fit for public consumption. Of course, we all know about the best laid plans of mice and men, and the paving material for the proverbial road to Hell... but as long as it lasts, I hope you enjoy the ride along with me.
You posted my favorite poem...thanks.
Posted by: Big Brother | August 02, 2011 at 09:32 PM
It's about time sweetheart!!!
Posted by: Mom | August 03, 2011 at 11:05 AM
Always good to let in a little rain now and then...
Posted by: pablo | August 14, 2011 at 08:22 PM