It's up, it's up, I've just been a bit slow today due to my lack of sleep last night. Have I mentioned I'm a world champion-level procrastinator? I waited until Saturday night to write my post for the Word shared blog, and then I got a last-minute invitation to dinner with a good friend, which of course had to wait until after I got off work at 7:30 PM... and after all that, when I finally got my brain in gear enough to write last night, it was hard slipping it back into neutral and making myself go to bed.
But I was up for church this morning, our Youth worship team did the music, and we had one of my favorite guest speakers ever (Rabbi Jack from Jewish Voice Ministries International), so I skipped my coffee and got there. Which of course means that I'm just now getting my link up on my blog, although the Word blog has been up for hours and hours.
So here you go - today's post, with a hat tip to the late, great Rich Mullins:
Day # 29 - Jacob and Two Women
And as a bonus, here's the song that was running through my head:
Unue mi volas diri terura blogon! Mi havis rapidan demandon kiu mi ŝatus demandi se vi ne gravas. Mi estis interesitaj por ekscii kiel vi centro mem kaj refreŝigu vian pensojn antaŭ skribo. Mi havis malfacilan tempon forigado mia menso atingi miajn ideojn eksteren. Mi vere ne ĝuas skribante tamen ĝi nur ŝajnas kiel la unuaj 10 al 15 minutoj ĝenerale ekstermotaj simple provi elkompreni kiel komenci. Ajna ideojn aŭ konsiloj? Dankon!
Posted by: soldes air max | June 03, 2012 at 11:21 PM
Jeg tror at ditt perspektiv er dyp, det er bare godt gjennomtenkt og virkelig fantastisk å se noen som vet å sette disse tankene ned så godt. Flott jobb på dette
bloggen din er veldig good.It var veldig godt skrevet og lett å forstå. I motsetning til flere blogger jeg har lest som er virkelig ikke bra. Jeg fant også innleggene dine svært interessant
Posted by: tee shirt polo | June 12, 2012 at 01:10 AM