I'm being "green" and recycling today - isn't green a lovely color?
Actually, when I was looking this past week at my topic scriptures for today's post on the Word shared blog, I realized that I could not possibly improve on what I'd already written about Matthew 14:22-36, the passage where Jesus, followed by Peter, walk on the water.
The post I made in March of 2004 was pulled from the notes I took during a sermon by a guest speaker who really impressed me, and I still can't think of anything better to say about that passage, so I plagiarized from myself to share for today's devotional.
Thankfully for the "lazy writer" syndrome, I don't believe I have any other posts in my archives that would work for the purpose... or at least, if I do, I don't remember them, which means I won't go poking around through the archives for them when the time comes. I can't promise I won't find a poem or two (or a related story post) to link there when relevant, but that's a different story altogether. ;-)
So for those who haven't already poked around in my "Best of Beyond" sidebar featured posts, or for those who want to join a fresh discussion with the Word blog readers...