For those of you who have been following my blog for a long time -- well, thank you. You're either related to me, or a bit nuts, but thank you.
But what I was going to say was, if you've been around this site through the years, you've likely seen a number of my site designs. I'm no professional web designer, but I've taken pride in creating the site banners and choosing the formatting options Typepad allows me with each new look. Well, except for one, which was Hubby-head's, but he did a great job on that one.
In preparation for rolling out my newest creation in a couple of weeks (or when I can no longer stand the wait), I thought I'd share some screenshots of the various looks this blog has sported over the nearly eight years since my first post on March 1, 2004.
This was my first design, which lasted only a few weeks before concerns about the black background/light text prompted me to tweak the color scheme a bit:
The header banner was a lot of fun to create, with several of my favorite pictures. But after a while, I got to itching for my favorite color again (purple), and came up with something completely different:
Hubby-head wanted his turn at site design, so he created our Thanksgiving theme that year:
I don't believe I ever remembered to change the theme back to that Thanksgiving one in future years, which was a shame. Most of the time I do remember to use the Christmas one I came up with, though:
For New Year's 2005 I got really creative with photography and came up with this one:
And that was followed by a candy-laden photo shoot to create my Valentine's Day banner and look:
I happened to take a really great photo of a rainbow in a cloudy sky that winter, so immediately following Valentine's day the site design was updated to this one:
Had a little difficulty getting the banner size to work with the formatting there, apparently. And then I discovered fractal art, and borrowed one of my favorite images (Storm Daisy by to create a fresh look for spring:
This next look was one I have kept for the majority of the last 7 years, with the exception of a few flashbacks to previous designs... the banner image was a photo I took of downtown Phoenix and tweaked just a bit with a Photoshop filter.
(Yeah, I forgot to screenshot that look until today. Most of you have seen it a lot.) And those of you who are currently viewing the site as of January 17th, 2012 will be viewing my New Year's 2012 design.
I'm planning to tweak the design every now and then this year to keep things fresh, as long as my brain is running in graphically creative channels. Stay tuned for the next facelift in a matter of days!