If you never gave me another thing
from this moment forth
No more blessings, no more good feelings
If I never see the beauty in life again
and I am condemned to live the rest of my days
in a dry and weary land where there is no water
alone and friendless,
no love and no passion and no hope
If I could no longer see the benefits
of serving God in a godless nation
and all around me were voices crying out
Could I praise you in my pain
and learn to say with complete confidence
God is sovereign, and although he has taken from me
all I love
yet I will trust him
Could I learn to love you when you are all I have
Could I begin to trust you completely
when there is no other way for me to live
Would it take the stark cold reality that there is
NOTHING ELSE for me to have
to make me say that there is nothing else I want?
Oh God strip from me all that is not you
Teach me to love you in my emptiness
So that I may love you in the fullness of life
I want to praise you in nothing
So I may serve you in everything
den 28 sept 93