Tagged for a meme! My creature-nemesis the Wombat apparently put a bug in Harvey's ear, and I'm now compelled to tell you nice people six strange facts about myself or my habits.
The hard part is limiting myself to six - although most of the things that would come to my mind first are probably covered in that obligatory 100 Things About Me post, I believe I can come up with a few more to appease the Wombat and Harv, who appear to be in league with one another.
1) I have a very hard time falling asleep at night without the taste of fresh toothpaste in my mouth. I'll do OK if I'm just stretching out for a nap, but if it's bedtime, I have to jump up and brush my teeth before I can really rest. Once I've brushed my teeth for bedtime, I can't eat anything or drink anything but water or I'll lose that "fresh" feeling in my mouth and I'll have to brush again before I can sleep.
2) I still have a bag of store-brand gingersnap cookies in my cabinet that I bought for Christmas two years ago. I keep thinking about tossing them, but I have this idea that I'll find a way to use them for something yummy, I just have to figure out what that will be. If anyone has a recipe that involves reusing stale cookies, feel free to leave it in my comments!
3) My CD and video collections are all neatly organized and alphabetized. My books are all over the house in no discernable order, and that fact would make me nuts if I allowed myself to dwell on it. One of my goals for the month is to get my bookshelves organized so I can feel better about it. That, and to get the towering stacks of to-be-read books off of the tray table in the living room so I stop worrying about one of the cats knocking them over.
4) I have never smoked in my life, but I have occasionally had dreams about smoking. *Pondering the hidden subconscious meanings in that*
5) On my living room wall, above the fireplace, there is a 16"x24" enlargement of a photo of two of my best friends blowing bubbles by candlelight. The faces are softly blurred and the prevailing color is a dark rosy red... and I absolutely love that picture.
6) There are times - yes, still, in 2006 - when I inadvertently give the date as 1990-something. I must be stuck in the past decade, or at least a part of me is resisting the fact that i'm in my 30's.
All right, now that you know these strange things about me, I'm tagging three people to share my misery - I mean, join in the fun:
Susiepie - because I know she digs memes, and will probably play along...
Sissy - because if Harvey didn't tag her, someone's gotta...
Bryan - also not one to shy away from a meme, and I haven't picked on him in a while.
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